Joachim Dujmovits Yoga


If you want to be strong in a handstand …

If you want to be strong in a handstand learn to be strong in adho mukha svanasana, alias down dog.⠀

It‘s also a great pose to learn something about your shoulder alignment. ⠀
Try to push the ground away but keep some space between bizeps and ears.⠀
Give it a try and turn your finger outwards. That creates a external rotation in your arms, activates your M. latissimus dorsi and gives you the right shoulder alignment.⠀
But be careful and don‘t use this technique too often because it creates a crushing in your outer wrist. So just use it to find you shoulder alignment. If you got it, turn your hands that your middle finger is pointing straight forward. Now be happy, smile and hold it for 10 minutes. ;-)⠀

Found one more of those texts in my notes.⠀
Have fun with some anatomy.⠀

Muscle of the day ?⠀

„M. levator scapulae“⠀

This muscle is located in your neck. Its function, as you can guess from the name, is to lift the scapula (shoulder blade).⠀
We need it in poses like down dog, handstand, forearm stand, for lifting weights over the head or shoulder shrugs.⠀
The M. levator scapulae attach on C1-C4 (Cervical vertebrae 1-4) and the top medial corner of your shoulder blade.

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